COERR Kanchanaburi organized training in “Making Plai Essential Oil” which has the quality of soothing body’s weariness, muscle pains, inflammation of tendon, muscle and joint, etc. in Ban Tham Hin Temporary Shelter in Ratchaburi Province on April 12, for 25 participants of 19 females and 6 males, and in Ban Don Yang Temporary Shelter in Kanchanaburi Province for 29 participants of 21 females and 8 males.
The training by COERR Kanchanaburi’s trainee aimed to equip the elderly with skills in carrying knowledge to teach the younger generations and those who were interested in conserving local wisdom as well as producing this traditional herbal oil for household use or for sale in their community. Participants also expressed their interest to learn and produce to sell in their community.
For health benefits, COERR Mae Sot organized the herbal compress ball making at Ban Umpiem Temporary Shelter in Phop Phra District, Tak Province on April 8, 2021. There were 28 participants of 22 females and 6 males.
On April 9, 2021, Ta Ka Paw traditional food recipe training was organized in Ban Umpiem for 25 participants of 20 females and 5 males to learn how to make the food of rice mixed with variety of vegetables and meat as a technic to make rice enough to feed everyone at the gathering. This food was also made for some traditional ceremony as well.
Traditional art and craft for hammock weaving was organized in Ban Mae La Temporary Shelter in Tha Song Yang District, Tak Province on April 9, 2021. There were 34 participants of 25 females and 9 males. Hammock was also woven for income generation as well.
COERR Mae Sa Rieng also supported the local philosopher to provide a training for 31 youth of 20 females and 11 males in Ban Mae La Oon Temporary Shelter in Mae Hong Son Province on April 9, 2021, to learn traditional music, singing and sword dance that was performed during ceremonies.
Plai Essential Oil Making at Ban Tham Hin and Ban Dong Yang Temporary Shelters

Herbal Compress Ball Making and Karen Food Traditions Ta Ka Paw Food Recipe Making at Ban Umpiem

Local Wisdom Activity Traditional Hammock Weaving at Mae La Temporary Shelter
